22 July 2022

DCGK Government Commission: New code entered into force – special focus on sustainable company management

The German Corporate Governance Code (Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex (DCGK)) in its newest version entered into force on 27 June 2022 after the Federal Ministry of Justice had published the revised version of 28 April 2022 in the Federal Gazette.

The new code contains updated principles and extended recommendations for management and supervisory boards of listed companies.

There will be a special focus on sustainable company management. The management board should identify and assess the opportunities and risks for the company associated with the social and environmental factors and the ecological and social effects of the business activity and also take ecological and social goals into account in the corporate strategy and planning.

Expertise from accounting and auditing

With respect to the supervisory board’s committees, the code makes it clear that at least one member of the audit committee must have expertise in the field of accounting and at least one other member of the audit committee must have expertise in the field of auditing.

The 2022 code, the justification, and a version to show the amendments in comparison to the 2020 version are available on the website of the Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex government commission (German).
